Monday, October 18, 2010


Streetkids is an ongoing journey that I set out on, one year ago.
This blog will be a notebook, as i continue further through other major cities searching for youth on the periphery.

Special thanks goes out to the young people who let me photograph them.  Youth Off The Streets  Father Chris Riley & Ina Mullin, who trusted and believed in my vision, and especially Gary Lockhardt, who let me accompany him on the street.
He walks those city streets most nights - looking out for these young people.
Their guardian angel..

Here below is a short extract from a conversation I had with an 18yr old who was in extreme distress and would not let me photograph him. He was looking at doing some time in jail for petty crime.

"I dont want to end up like one of those old guys with a beard sleeping on the streets in the gutter.
I've got nothing, no home, no family, no friends, no job, I'm fucked !"